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What are some Options to Heat My Garage?

Q: What are some options to heat my garage?

A: When you want to warm up your garage, you have several heating options - let’s explore them further below:

Electric Space Heaters

An electric space heater is not your standard portable unit. It’s far more powerful and will effectively warm large spaces. Newer electric heaters are also more energy-efficient. There are other options mentioned below that are portable and easy to use, but keep in mind they may take longer to heat the area. 

Mini-Split System

An HVAC system is the safest of the heating options for a garage. It will warm or cool several square feet of space efficiently. In addition, a ductless system will save you space and can be a good option if you plan to convert the garage into a spare room. The downside is that it’s expensive to buy, and you must replace the filter every few months. Additionally, it may take a while to warm the area and it’s not as simple as plugging it in and using it; you must wire it in.

Radiant Heating

Also known as infrared heaters, these are one of the evenest warming solutions. They’re typically installed under the floor or in the ceiling and keep the room warm and toasty. The advantage of this system is that the operating costs are low, and the system runs quietly. You also don’t have to worry about any smells or toxic gases. However, they’re one of the more expensive options, and you’ll want to hire a professional to install them. It’s also possible for condensation to build up when you have this type of system. 

A Propane Heater

Some models run on multiple types of fuel, allowing you to choose the best energy source. This is possibly the best way to heat a garage because it works relatively quickly and is cheaper to buy than an electric heater. The downsides include the noise and the smell. It also may cause condensation issues if you use it for a long time, and there’s a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning without ventilation. However, with suitable safeguards in place, you can use these systems safely. 

Heating Solutions Using Insulation

If you want to learn how to heat your garage inexpensively, insulation could be worthwhile. Although it won’t provide heat, it will keep the cold air out, making you more comfortable. You may need to wear more layers of clothing, but there are no ongoing costs, making it a surprisingly affordable option. Garage doors, like our R-W Landmark Series Doors, have industry-leading Neufoam™ polyurethane insulation to help keep your garage door warm in the winter - and help keep the Canadian weather elements outside of your garage!

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