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What are Your Top Tips to Stay Safe during DIY Projects?

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Q: What are your top tips to stay safe during DIY projects?

A: Do-it-yourself projects are a fun hobby that enables you to sharpen your skills with practice - and it’s also an excellent way to save some money while adding value to your property. Here are eight reliable and straightforward tips to help you reduce the risks and enjoy your creative, home project, compliments of Alure Home Improvements:

  1. Don’t over stress yourself. Ensure that you tackle only those tasks that you feel secure handling. Leave the jobs that require professionals to the highly qualified people.

  2. Ensure that you set up a safe and clean working space. When you keep your workspace tidy, you significantly reduce any inherent risks. Working on DIY home projects can quickly become a mess, mainly when you’re focusing on the job at hand. Cleaning up after a long day of work is imperative – use an air purifier to clean the air (especially if you’ve been painting or using strong smelling chemicals). Additionally, make sure you vacuum thoroughly to ensure that the space is clean and that you’ve removed all the nails and sharp debris, so the area is safe to use.

  3. Make sure the drill bits, blades, and cutters are sharp. Using dull tools requires you to use extra force, thus making them much more dangerous.

  4. Always keep a good first-aid kit at hand. A first aid kit comes in handy when there are minor accidents, so make sure you stock it and have it within your reach.

  5. If you’re using a ladder, make sure you position it on a flat and firm surface. Moreover, if you’re climbing or reaching for your roof, ensure that you keep your weight centered and don’t lean to one side - and never stand on the top two rungs.

  6. Make sure you dress for the job at hand. Avoid flip-flops, clothes with sleeves, shorts, etc. Protective clothing and composite toe work boots, and gloves, will protect you for most DIY projects. Also, put on a pair of safety glasses whenever you use power tools, hammers, or other striking or cutting tools.

  7. Read the owner’s manual.  When deciding to use any power tool, it’s wise to make sure you follow all precautions stated in the manual. Always unplug the appliance before you adjust it and when done with the task.

  8. Make sure you keep the power tools and supplies away from the reach of small children.

These eight simple tips will go a long way to ensuring that you stay safe while doing DIY at home. It’s easy to take shortcuts and skip some of the steps, but if you’re serious about avoiding accidents (both for yourself and your family) you can count on them to help keep you safe. DIY should be fun, so by putting these tips into practice you can make sure that it stays fun!

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