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Garage Door Education, Insights & Money Saving Tips


What Safety Tips are Important when Handling Household Chemicals?

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Q: What safety tips are important when handling household chemicals?

A: You probably use many household chemical products in and around your home and garage. These products may include cleaning liquids and powders, polishes, drain cleaners, paint and paint thinners, and windshield washer fluids. These types of products can be dangerous and cause burns, fires, poisonings and explosions if not handled safely.

With that in mind, here are some safety tips from when buying, using, storing, and disposing of household chemicals:


  • When you're buying a household chemical product, read the label to determine its ingredients and any special handling instructions.

  • Look for hazard symbols on the front of the product. If you don't already know what these symbols mean, learn them. If you follow the instructions, you could prevent an injury. You could even save a life.

  • Check to make sure products don't contain any chemical ingredients that you are sensitive or allergic to.

  • Read and follow directions on labels for cosmetics to ensure safe use.

  • If you're interested in learning more about the ingredients in a household chemical or cosmetic product, contact the retailer or manufacturer.

  • Check to make sure the product you're thinking of buying is not banned from sale in Canada or has been recalled. It may be banned because it contains high levels of a harmful chemical, or it includes an ingredient that is not allowed in this country.

  • Choose low-emission paints, varnishes, glues, wood furniture, and building products.


  • Follow the instructions on the label every time you use a household chemical. The label must include instructions on how to use and store the product safely. It also shows hazard symbols and cautionary statements of potential hazards.

  • Never mix household chemical products together. Some mixtures can produce harmful gases.

  • Ensure proper ventilation by opening windows or doors and running exhaust fans, during and after using the product.

  • Check that child-resistant closures are in good working order.

  • Child-resistant does not mean child-proof. Close the cap on the container all the way even if you set it down for just a moment.

  • Teach children that hazard symbols mean "Danger! Do not touch"

  • Program emergency numbers into your phone.


  • Store in original containers and according to instructions.

  • Keep all safety information.

  • Keep out of sight and out of reach of children and pets.

  • Store paints, solvents, gasoline, fuels, varnishes and other products that may release harmful fumes or catch fire outside of your home.

  • If possible, store products in a separate building that is not connected to your home's ventilation system.

  • Avoid storing chemical products in areas with fluctuating temperatures.

  • Regularly check containers for leaks or damage.


  • Follow municipal guidelines on how to dispose of chemicals and other hazardous waste.

  • Dispose of prescription drugs safely

  • Never burn household chemicals and containers

  • Never pour the contents down the drain unless directed

  • Never re-use empty containers

  • Reduce waste by buying only what you need.

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