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When Should I Replace My Roof?

Q: When should I replace my roof?

A: A solid roof over your head is crucial, so regardless of how durable your roof is and how well you take care of it, there will likely come a time when you’ll have to handle repairs and eventually need to replace it. But how do you know when it’s time to call in a roofing contractor for a roof replacement? Canadian Home Trends offers these 8 tips for the main signs you should look for:

Approaching It’s 25th Birthday

The lifespan of asphalt shingles is typically between 20 - 30 years. What this means is that by the time your roof is approaching the end of its lifespan, it could have problems. To avoid high maintenance costs, you’ll want to replace a roof before the end of its lifespan. Needless to say, maintaining a 40-year-old asphalt roof will be more expensive than replacing it. By the time an asphalt roof is approaching its 25th birthday, you’ll have about 5 - 10 good years left on it. Sometimes you’ll be forced to replace the roof even earlier depending on its condition. For example, if your house is in an area that experiences high temperatures or regular high wind storms, your asphalt roof will be more worn out than that of a home in a cooler region. In addition to that, if you live in a development and the neighbours start replacing their roofing, this is a sign you likely need to do the same.

Shingles are Curling

There are two ways in which the shingles can curl. The first is by cupping where the edges of the shingles bend upwards. The second is clawing where the edges remain flat while the middle comes up. Curling is a sign of weathering and it indicates problems; most likely leaks. Depending on the extent of curling, you’ll have about 5 years before you’re forced to replace the roof.

Entire Shingles are Missing

There’s no harm in replacing a couple of missing shingles. It is, however, good to note that getting the colour of the new shingles to match with the existing ones will be close to impossible. This is because the granule colors have changed significantly over the years. The colours of shingles also change due to weathering. You could choose to keep patching the missing shingles until the area is too big; however, when you start noticing large patches that are visible from a distance, then you should consider replacing the whole roof.

Cracked Shingles

Wind is the number one cause of cracked shingles. Just like with missing shingles, if only a handful of shingles are cracked, you can get away with replacing them. However, if the cracking is not isolated to a single area but in random areas throughout the roof, a roofing contractor will advise that you consider installing a new roof. When there are random cracked shingles throughout the roof, you have about 3 - 5 years before you need a complete roof replacement.

Granules in the Gutters

If your asphalt roof is new and you spot granules in the gutters, there’s no need for alarm. This is because what you see is loose extra granules falling off. However, if your roof is 10 - 15 years old and you spot granules in the gutters, there’s a problem. Granules are what protect asphalt from the sun. When the granules fall off, the shingles will start baking in the sun and the quality will drop rapidly. When you start noticing the granules in the gutter, this is a sign that your shingles are already halfway through the lifespan.

Algae or Moss on the Shingles

This should not cause you to panic. Algae or moss on the shingles is simply a cosmetic problem. Homeowners that have the money to spare may choose to replace their roofs because they don’t the aesthetics and because most of the new shingles today are moss and algae resistant. When you spot moss or algae on your shingles, don’t try and wash or scrap the green stuff on your own. Scrapping will chip the granules off the shingles thus rendering them useless. The wash you should consider is one that is equal parts bleach and water to get rid of the moss or algae. There are also zinc strips that can be installed at the peak of the roof to eliminate the issue. If you go ahead with roof replacement, opt for tiles that have been treated to be algae-resistant.

Sunlight Can Be Seen in the Attic

This is not a good sign. If light can get in, cold air, rainwater and snow will also get through. You should check for water stains and check if they change shape after a few rainfalls. If the shape of the water stain changes, there’s an active leak. You need to contact a professional to inspect the extent of the damage and to patch the leaks. Major leaks, structural damage and age factors might make it cost efficient to just replace the roof. 

The Whole Roof is Sagging

If you notice sagging, it’s cause for concern. When the roof is sagging it’s an indication that there are major structural problems. The issue could be with the decking or with the supports in the foundation. Yes, you might not be in imminent danger, but you need to act fast. Small and localized sagging is easy to take care of. Always call in a roofing contractor when you notice a droop or depression on your roof. The sooner you act the better.

Now you know how to determine if you need a roof repair or replacement! The key to avoiding huge repair costs is to get routine maintenance at least once every 6- 12 months. Doing so will help avoid expensive premature roof replacements. But when you do need a new roof, don’t put it off. It could cost more than a roof if you take too long to act!

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